Since 2020, 'The Good Cashmere Standard®' of the Aid by Trade Foundation has set the benchmark for the production of sustainable cashmere in Inner Mongolia. With its criteria, the standard covers the most important areas of cashmere production. The focus is on the welfare of the cashmere goats as well as improving the working conditions of the goat farmers and protecting the environment. Our products are of the highest quality and are manufactured exclusively in accordance with 'The Good Cashmere Standard®' criteria to ensure lasting enjoyment of our cashmere items.


Cashmere is an animal hair fiber obtained from cashmere goats that originally come from the Himalayan region of Kashmir. Due to its softness, lightness and excellent insulating properties, cashmere is considered a particularly high-quality animal hair fiber and was originally a pure luxury product. Rising demand and falling prices pose particular challenges for farmers, making holistically sustainable production increasingly difficult. The Good Cashmere Standard® aims to promote more sustainable practices in cashmere production that protect the welfare of the goats, the quality of their wool, the environment and the farmers who care for them.


The Good Cashmere Standard® is designed to improve the welfare of cashmere goats, the economic, social and ecological conditions of cashmere producers and the protection of the environment in Inner Mongolia. The most important criteria include animal welfare, nature conservation and social responsibility. All farmers participating in this standard must adhere to strict regulations that ensure animal welfare, including species-appropriate husbandry, adequate nutrition and medical care for cashmere goats. The standard also promotes sustainable land management practices that include the protection of natural resources and the reduction of environmental damage. The standard also advocates fair working conditions and fair pay for goat farmers and employed workers in order to improve the quality of life of local people in the long term.


To ensure the reliability of the standard, regular independent audits are carried out. These audits assess and verify that cashmere farmers and producers along the supply chain, including the buying and dehairing stations, implement the processes and activities in accordance with the defined standards, rules and regulations. Only if all criteria are met do they receive 'The Good Cashmere Standard®' certificate. This certificate is valid for 12 months and ensures that the high standard is continuously maintained.

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